Recognition of non-formal and informal learning
LIK has implemented a system for the assessment and recognition of competencies acquired through non-formal and informal learning. This procedure is intended for adults who have acquired knowledge and skills in a non-academic environment and seek to have them formally assessed, recognised as learning outcomes of higher education college studies and attested by a certificate of issued by a higher education institution. Persons who have such a certificate and have started studying at LIK no longer need to study recognised subjects.
Individuals may apply for the assessment and recognition of non-formal and informal learning acquired through:
- courses, seminars, internships, projects;
- non-formal education programmes;
- professional activity;
- unpaid or voluntary work;
- self-study, etc.
Persons with at least secondary education may apply for the assessment and recognition of competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning. Also persons who:
- do not have higher education in the field in which they have been working for at least three years;
- already have a higher education degree and have been working outside of their field for at least three years;
- have not managed to complete their college or university studies for various reasons.
The recognition of competences is carried out in several stages:
- Filling in the registration form
- Consultation with a specialist at LIK
- Preparation of a portfolio of learning achievements and competencies (various documents confirming non-formal and informal learning, certificates, descriptions of activities, etc.) (together with a consultant appointed by LIK)
- Participation in the competence assessment and recognition interview.
Registration of candidates wishing to have their competencies recognised and formalised in open. The procedure for recognizing competencies is paid.
Please send the completed registration form by email to:
Head of Engineering Competence Department
dr. Giedrė Adomavičienė
or by post to:
Lietuvos inzinerijos kolegija Higher Education Institution, Tvirtovės al. 35, Kaunas, LT-50155