One of the most important events of Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences academic year took place in VMU Great Hall on June 27th: 257 graduates of 100th generation received their professional bachelor diplomas thus completing the first step as future engineers. During this solemn celebration, 5 graduates received diplomas with honours in Transport, Construction and Electronics study programmes.
Representatives from Hella Lithuania and FL technics personally presented diplomas to two talented graduates: such gesture once again underlined the important cooperation between business and academia in promoting professional growth and career opportunities for young professionals.
Valedictorian who spoke at the ceremony was delighted to have completed their engineering education and stressed that the experience gained at the university, the memories created and the inspiration sparked in the field of engineering will contribute to their pursue of the future goals in a confident and purposeful manner.
The celebration was enriched by Martynas Kavaliauskas and his band: the performance created special and unforgettable atmosphere. The graduates and all the guests enjoyed the musical part and celebrated their achievements together.
The 100th graduation ceremony of Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences, once again, was not only a solemn ceremony, but also a special stage in the life of all participants, symbolizing the beginning of new opportunities and challenges.