KTK Graduation Ceremony took place on June 30 this year with 299 professional bachelor's degrees awarded at the amphitheater of Zalgiris Arena. Four students graduated with distinction and two students were awarded double degrees of KTK and foreign universities. During the celebration, the band "Velvet" performed a musical greeting for the students.
"It is my great joy and pride to congratulate you on your graduation from KTK," said the Director of KTK Nerijus Varnas. "You chose your career path three years ago, and only hard work and persistence allowed you to successfully complete your studies and join the ranks of engineers in Lithuania and around the world. Now new challenges and success will await you, but you are all ready, you have strong foundations to build your career on that distinguish you from others. All that remains is to wish you success in the great careers that await you and remind you that our doors will always be open to you!"
More photos from the graduation ceremony here