New Academic Year Celebration at KTK
Celebration of the new academic year took place at KTK on September 4th.
All the freshmen gathered to meet their new academic community: encouraging words were said by Dr. Lina Girdauskienė, the director of Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences.
Students were awarded incentive scholarships provided by the partnering companies: UAB "Hella Lithuania", AB "Kauno tiltai", UAB "Autokausta keliai", UAB "Kauno keliai" and UAB "Parama".
After the official part of the celebration, mentors were waiting for the freshmen where they were introduced to the university and had a chance to ask questions.
During the event, new students were caught up on the leisure activities and their spaces: they were encouraged to join the clubs by the leaders.
We thank the companies for an amazing cooperation and motivation they give KTK students.