During the International week on April 26th, a scientific conference will be held – Engineering and Educational Technologies: Combination of General and Engineering Competences Implementing the EU Green Deal.
Oral as well as poster presentations will be exhibited during the conference. Both, in person and a hybrid mode participation will be available.
Organizers: Lietuvos inžinerijos kolegija (Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences) together with social partners.
Information is provided by dr. Giedrė Adomavičienė, giedre.adomaviciene@lik.tech
Find the program down below.
April 24-28 Lietuvos inžinerijos kolegija (Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences) will host an international week event that will bring together the academic community and representatives of the business world.
Participation fee - 100 eur
No fee charged for students