Readers are served Mon-Fri 7.45-16.30 

The library is closed for visitors on the last working day of each month.

Vilnius Tech e-books

Books accessible to KTK students can be found here:
Books can only be accessed from KTK institutional network. Once you have logged on, you should see the name of your institution on the top left hand-side of the page. List of Vilnius Tech e-books 2022

Kaunas University pf Technology e-books

KTU e-books can be accessed here:
Books can be accessed from the KTK Internet network and remotely. Login details are available on request from library staff. List of KTU e-books 2022

Open access e-books

Mykolas Romeris University Open Access Books can be found here: 
Books can be accessed from any IP address.

OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)

Open access full-text academic books on humanities and social sciences are available at: 
Books can be accessed from any IP address.

DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)

A catalogue of full-text open access e-books on a variety of scientific topics are available at: 
Books can be accessed from any IP address.

Knowledge Unlatched 

Open access full-text e-books on a variety of topics are available at: 
Books can be accessed from any IP address.

Project MUSE 

Open access full-text e-books on a variety of topics are available at:
Books can be accessed from any IP address.


Džiuginta Baltrušienė Head of the Library +370 37
Dalia Treinienė Librarian +370 37